You need the transportation for Pokhara to Nayapul distance there are a number of options available with us. You can hire private cars, jeep, taxi, hiace or bus according to the requirements to go Nayapul from Pokhara Nepal. On your way to Nayapul from Pokhara you will pass by Phedi and Naudanda, Kande, Lumle and no doubt that the views of the mountain ranges from these places are indeed majestic.
When you choose private transportation it makes your travel more comfortable and fun; you can stop any places to enjoy the beauty of nature. Let’s check the available land transportation and bus schedules from Pokhara to Nayapul taxi fare.
Nayapul car / jeep / taxi fare US$: 35
Nayapul bus fare US$: 120 (private)
Nayapul Hiace / van fare US$: 60 (private)
If you are searching Pokhra to Nayapul local bus transportation & schedule go to Baglung bus Park. You will get bus and jeep in each 30 minute difference.
Most trekkers prefer to take a car to Nayapul from Pokhara so that on the way they can enjoy the scenery. We do provide private comfortable bus, car and taxi hiring service only for this distance.
The road from Pokhara to Nayapul is in good condition and offers beautiful views of the surrounding hills and mountains. Along the way, you can stop at various viewpoints and enjoy the breathtaking scenery. Renting a vehicle from Pokhara to Nayapul is a great way to explore the area and experience the local culture. It is affordable, convenient, and offers the freedom to create your own itinerary. So, if you are planning a trip to Pokhara and want to explore the surrounding areas, consider renting a vehicle and embark on a memorable adventure.
Beside that you can book given packages of Annapurna trekking region also with us.
Nayapul is a popular place because most of the Annapurna region packages either start or end at Nayapul. Nayapul to Pokhara distance is of 45.4 kilometers / 28.2 miles and for this you will get a lot of options for traveling. While driving to Nayapul; it is for sure that the beauty of the road will make you stop after every few minutes and keep you spell bound during the journey.
It takes maximum of two hours to travel to Nayapul from Pokhara. You can book Jeep, Car or Bus for this distance now. We are here to provide you transport to Nayapul as per your require and comfort.