Ancient monasteries of Lo Manthang, walled city of Mustang

Ancient monasteries of Lo Manthang, walled city of Mustang

Ancient monasteries of Lo Manthang Nepal

Lo Manthang is one of the unique, untouched, unmatched and unforgettable walled city lies is forbidden kingdom in mustang Nepal. There are three ancient monasteries inside the wall city and a monastic museum as well. Beside that there is a century old royal palace inside the medieval earthen walled city of Lo Manthang. Buddhist monuments in Lo Manthang Upper mustang trek and tours provide an opportunity to explore these famous monasteries of lo manthang and mysterious caves in Nepal.

Lo Manthang is the capital of upper mustang. Known as the last forbidden kingdom of Himalayas because it is not allowed to enter this area until 1992 ad for visitors. Nowadays this area opens for visitors with special permit, know about the main attraction of Lo Manthang like century old monasteries and royal palace inside walled city before going to discover.

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Famous Monasteries of Lo Manthang

1: Thupchen Monastery

This monastery established in 15 century by the third king of lo, Tashi Gon. It constructed with stone, clay and wood. It has ancient wall paintings, golden script inside. Thupchen monastery covers 37.20m long, 24m wide area. The monastery has ancient wall paintings drawn with hues of turquoise, malachite, cinnamon and gold. Its structure, ancient wall paintings, statues, bounded lion heads etc. Make this holy site more attractive and interesting place to see.

2: Dragkar Thegchen Ling Gonpa “Chode Gompa”

Monchoe Dragkar Thegchen Ling Gonpa established in 13th century in Lo-Manthang Nepal. It was built during the period of king ama pal. It is Sakya Pa sect, most famous and largest monasteries of upper mustang. Highest ranking lamas of this region also live in this monastery. Now this monastery run as a school for monks. There is a monastic museum also at the same compound where one can explore ancient, historical, cultural and religious artifacts including Bonpo scriptures.

3: Jampa Monastery

Jampa Lhakang Monastery constructed in early 14th century by king Angon Sangpo, on a plateau at 3840 meters above sea level in Lo Manthang the former kingdom of lo. Three-storey monastery built in 42 meters long and 24 meters wide area with 16 meters’ height and east faced main entrance.

Lobas are the inhabitants of Lo Manthang, culturally and ethnically related with the people of Tibet. Guru Rinpoche spread the Tibetan Buddhism throughout the Himalayas. These three monasteries of Lo manthang and royal palace are main attraction of this city. People, culture and lifestyle of local attract many tourists from around the world.

Three ancient monasteries in medieval earthen walled city of Lo Manthang monastery are worth too explore. These monasteries of Lo manthang open every afternoon from 3 to 5 pm for visitors. Visitors have to NRS 1000 per person to visit these monasteries. Monks guide you and explain about the history of Gompas of Lo Manthang. Photo and video not allowed inside the monastery with this fee, you have to pay USD $100 per day extra to take a photo and video. It is better to spent minimum 2 nights 3 days in Lo Manthang to explore all highlights of this area.

Lo Manthang, a walled city in the Upper Mustang region of Nepal. It is known for its historic and spiritual significance. One of the most prominent features of this region is the cluster of ancient monasteries that stand tall and proud, bearing testimony to the rich cultural heritage of the area.

The monasteries of Lo Manthang are unique in their architecture and they reflect a distinct blend of Tibetan and Nepalese styles. The structures are built using locally sourced materials, such as mud, stones, and wood, and are adorned with intricate carvings and paintings.

The walls of the monastery are adorned with intricate carvings and paintings, depicting scenes from Buddhist mythology. Monasteries of Lo Manthang not only serve as important cultural and religious landmarks but also as important centers for learning and community building. Monks and nuns live in these monasteries, dedicating their lives to the pursuit of spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. Lo Manthangs monasteries are important religious and cultural sites, and they attract many visitors to the region each year.

Video of Monasteries in Lo Manthang

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