Soti Khola to Machha Khola trek distance of tour du Manaslu

Soti Khola to Machha Khola trek distance of tour du Manaslu

Soti Khola to Machha Khola trek distance & altitude of tour du Manaslu

Soti Khola to Machha Khola distance is the beginning part of around Manaslu circuit trek where you encounter with the majestic mountain ranges and unspoiled culture. Soti Khola to Machha Khola trek distance is 14.1 kilometers / 8.7 miles. Sotikhola village situated at an altitude 730 meters Machhakhola at an elevation of 930 meters above sea level. It takes 5 to 6 hrs to reach Machha Khola altitude from Soti Khola via Armala, Lapubesi, Nauli khola, Khanibesi steeply uphill along Bhuri Gandaki River. trek then continues through lush forests and rocky terrain, offering hikers breathtaking views of the Ganesh Himal and the Manaslu.

Soti Khola to Machha Khola trek is an exciting and scenic adventure that takes hikers through some of the most breathtaking landscapes in Nepal.  The cultural exploration in Gurung villages of Lapubesi and Khanibesi, on the way, will enchant the trip pleasingly. The trail is also luxuriantly treasured with verdant forests an eye-pleasing vista. The charisma of mountain ridges, unique landscapes, virtually Blue River, and rich flora and fauna makes Soti Khola to Machha Khola trek naturally alluring.

Let’s plan a custom trip now for you to travel culturally rich and naturally beautiful Nepal.
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Trips to visit Manaslu Nepal

Soti Khola to Machha Khola trip starts at the terraced field. You will witness the change of the landscape according to the altitude we reach. The number of trekkers in this region is less compared to the Annapurna circuit trek but it is really worthy to spend a few days tour du Manaslu. Manaslu region is quite remote and wild but there are tea houses at regular interval so while going to this trek you will get good food and accommodation.

Targeted destination of Manalsu circuit trip is to observe the eighth highest peak of the world. It is better to go to explore the base camp of Mount Manaslu and to cross the Larkya pass on the months of March to May or October to November. It is challenging adventure need good health and physical fitness to achieve the goal.

Soti Khola to Machha Khola trek is an exciting and rewarding adventure that takes hikers through some of the most breathtaking landscapes in Nepal. This trek offers a unique opportunity to experience local culture and hospitality while enjoying stunning views of the Himalayan mountains. Whether you are an experienced hiker or a novice, the Soti Khola to Machha Khola trek is a must-do adventure for anyone visiting Nepal.

Manaslu trekking area controlled by the government of Nepal require special permit to visit. It is not allowed to trek in this area alone. It requires minimum two members in the team and an experience guide too. We organize Manaslu circuit trek in best time of the year. If you interested to explore Soti Khola to Machha Khola distance write us.

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