Hire a guide for Langtang valley trek | Langtang trekking guide

Hire a guide for Langtang valley trek | Langtang trekking guide

Hire a guide for Langtang valley trek & get best langtang valley trek guide

Langtang valley trek with local guide after earthquake not only make your journey safe and memorable but also helps the community too. It is moderate walking route. We invite travelers from around the world to visit Langtang valley and Tamang heritage trail in Rasuwa to give back something in community by traveling. Check our guide porter hiring service for Langtang valley; hire a local guide to get lifetime adventure experience.

Langtang Valley Trek guide is a trained professional who has in-depth knowledge of the region and its culture. He / she able to provide valuable information about the trail, the villages, customs of local people and ensure your safety. Guide helps to handle any situation that may unexpectedly arise during the trek because you are going remote area of Himalayas.

Langtang Valley Trek is a challenging yet rewarding trekking destination that offers breathtaking views of the Himalayas and a glimpse into the local culture and lifestyle. Guide know the best routes, right time and best places to stay and eat as per your suit your budget and preferences. Our guides ensure your safety by navigating the rugged terrain, assessing the weather conditions, and providing first-aid assistance if required.

Let’s plan a custom trip now for you to travel culturally rich and naturally beautiful Nepal.
Langtang treks Nepal
Tamang heritage trekLangtang valley trek
Short Langtang valley trekTamang heritage & Langtang trek
Helambu trekLangtang Gosainkunda trek
Visit langtang village now

Many trekkers missing in Langtang trekking route each year while trekking; in this way Langtang valley trek on your own is not advisable. We do provide you professional trekking guide for your upcoming Langtang valley trekking tours in Himalayas. Cost to hire the guide and porter for Langtang specified as below.

Cost to hiring a guide and porters

Hiring expert guide from Kathmandu or Syabrubesi cost: US$ 30 per day
Hiring a porter from Kathmandu or Syabrubesi cost: US$ 22 per day

Contact us to hire a guide and support staff

Mundu to Kyanjin Gompa trek distance & altitude of Langtang trek 7 daysYou can divide porter and guide hiring cost in between group of friends traveling together. Hire a Professional Langtang travel guide form Kathmandu or Syabrubesi is not expensive, our guide meet you at your hotel, a day before start Langtang trek.

Are you searching a Langtang travel guide? First of all conform the trek starting date, number of trekkers, require porter and guide then write us at least 30 days before. We destination expert, do provide you experience guide and porter service for Langtang valley and Tamang heritage trek.

Langtang valley trekking guide is essential for a safe, enjoyable, and memorable hiking experience. Experience guide ensure your safety, plan your itinerary, provide cultural insights, best spots for photography and viewpoints including health tips to minimize the altitude sickness. So, if you are planning a trekking adventure in Langtang region of Nepal, be sure to hire a professional guide to make your journey more enjoyable.

Our guides meet you either in Kathmandu or Dhunche and Syabrudesi in Rasuwa according to your requirements. Email us to get the further recent update about the route of Langtang village before and after earthquake.

24/7: Get trip ideas from our travel specialist as per your desire & duration of holidays.